Are you getting ready to attend
cremation services in San Juan, TX
for a loved one who died recently? If so, you might be thinking about bringing your kids along with you for part of the services. Before you do, you should think about sitting down with them to discuss the finer points of cremation. It’ll prevent them from getting scared at any point during the cremation process and educate them more about cremation. These tips should help you have a productive talk with your kids.
Begin by asking your kids what they know about cremation.
Kids these days seem to know a whole lot more than kids did 20 years ago. Thanks to the internet, it’s so easy for them to look up information on anything they want to know about. With this in mind, your kids might already know a little bit about San Juan, TX cremations. Ask them to tell you what they know about cremation services so that you know where to start. It’ll help you to get the conversation off the ground.
Fill in the holes by explaining what exactly cremation is to them.
Once you have a general idea of how much your kids know about cremation, you can start filling in any holes that exist with accurate info on cremation. Without going too far into detail, you should walk your kids through the cremation process, let them know why some people choose cremation, and give them a good understanding of cremation as a whole. Again, you don’t have to get too deep into the nitty-gritty and cause your kids to become concerned. But you should make sure that they hear what cremation is straight from you as opposed to getting it from another source.
Field questions about cremation from your kids and answer them to the best of your ability.
After you’ve discussed what cremation is with your kids, they’re probably going to have at least a few questions for you. You should open the floor up to them and allow them to ask any questions that they have about cremation. You should then provide them with answers to their questions or look up the answers to questions that you both have together. This will clear up any confusion that might exist and ensure your kids aren’t left wondering anything with regards to cremation.
Let your kids know that you would love to talk to them more about cremation later on.
It’s not enough to have just one conversation about cremation with your kids. You should also try to have other conversations with them in the future. Let them know that you’re down to discuss topics like cremation as often as they would like. This will keep the lines of communication open and make your kids feel comfortable about coming to you with any questions they might have moving forward.
At Memorial Funeral Home, we specialize in setting up
cremation services
for people at our San Juan, TX
funeral home. We can also provide you with more info about cremation if you need it for any reason.
Contact us
to ask questions about cremation.